LifeSong Scholars
Girls studying the Bible with the LifeSong curriculum are referred to as “Scholars” in order to impress upon them the caliber of training they receive. Through engaging, lifeskill-enhancing lessons, girls grow in their confidence in the Bible and knowledge of our awesome Creator, increase their enthusiasm for worship, and learn about sharing their faith. The curriculum builds a Biblical worldview through lessons that increase in depth and complexity over the program’s 3-year span. Lessons stress the importance of Biblical purity, turning down worldly ideas, and maturing in faith. Lessons are age-specific and designed to provide time for fun and fellowship.
Levels 1-3
The LifeSong Scholars Bible Study curriculum is divided into 3 levels and 2 age groups designed to allow girls to participate for up to a total of six years in the program. Depending upon the age of the girl when she enters the program, each curriculum level provides an increasing depth of study to expand knowledge and understanding of God’s Word. Every lesson is designed to help children develop confidence in who they are in Christ. The curriculum is intended to encourage the development of key Biblical characteristics and promote growth towards becoming mature young women of God.
Ideally, girls begin the program at age 7 and have the opportunity to participate in all curriculum levels. However, the program is designed so that girls may start at any age from 7 and 12.
All girls begin at Level 1 for their age group – either Level 1 for ages 7-9 or Level 1 for ages 10-12. After completing Level 1, each girl may advance to the next curriculum level sequentially. Girls that complete Levels 1 through 3 may want to become Apprentices and serve by helping their Bible study teachers.
Level 1: Young Ladies Passionate for Christ
This is the first of three core courses. Its focus is on developing an understanding of who Jesus is, and why we need a Savior. This course explores the meaning of having a relationship with Jesus and nurtures familiarity with, and confidence in God’s Word. This course also sets the groundwork for countering the world’s messages that oppose trust in God’s Word and His plan for our lives. In addition, this course will help develop Godly characteristics and Biblical wisdom.
Level 2: Young Ladies of Noble Character
For girls that have completed Level 1. This is the second of three core courses. Its focus is on nurturing Godly characteristics in girls. Biblical lessons focus on the characteristics of Christians and Godly qualities for girls and women. It is designed to assist girls in relying on God’s Word to develop a full understanding of who they are in Christ and what it means to be part of the Body of Christ. This course explores how we can guard ourselves from un-Godly behavior and thinking.
Level 3: Gifted Young Ladies Uniquely Created to Serve Him
For girls that have completed Levels 1 and 2. This is the third and last of three core courses. Its focus is on nurturing a desire to serve God through the Body of Christ. Bible lessons explore our unique, God-given talents, and the many ways we can live life to God’s glory. Activities at this level are designed to help girls feel confident about who they are in Christ. Lessons reinforce Biblical instruction on putting God first in all that we do.
For girls ages 10-12 who have completed Levels 1-3
Apprenticeships are designed to provide girls the opportunity to serve as role models in the program by assisting Group Leaders and Teachers with lesson activities. Apprentices lead prayers, encourage the girls, and assist teachers in a variety of ways depending on their unique gifts. In this way, the girls become a productive part of the program and learn to serve in ministry.