The LifeSong curriculum is structured to progressively provide girls with training that builds upon foundational material. Each meeting will begin with prayer time and worship followed by a lesson, activity, and discussion time.
Through hands-on training, the girls will learn that they can become scholars of the Bible who are confident in its understanding and application in their lives. Furthermore, the LifeSong program is designed to train girls to be Bereans in their approach to the Bible. By completing multiple levels in the curriculum, the girls gain progressively higher levels of knowledge of the Bible that are reinforced trough age-appropriate activities and materials.
Materials used during for the lessons include: Bibles, children’s books about Jesus, journals, worship music CDs, posters on dress and appearance, and DVD interviews with Godly women role models. In addition to achieving the main goals of the program, all materials are selected to teach the girls about the importance of reading Christian books, listening to Christian music, bible study and watching Christian movies. To spark an enthusiasm for Christian literature, an age-appropriate novel is assigned and discussed in related lessons.